Saturday, March 20, 2010

Well what can I say I just love showing off what a cute little baby we have. I know there has been a bit of a scare about the baby slings being dangerous but if you put your precious baby in the sling right then it works really well and both baby and mommy are happy. I get a lot done around the house with Dean in this sling or front pack. However Dean is a bit dramatic at first and will grunt a for a minute and it is quite funny.
Also bath time another favorite he just loves it and this wash pod is nice cause he fits in it pretty snug and I don't put much water therefore he can sit and be warm and play for a little bit. Then he gets rinsed off with the facet sprayer, which gets him ready for showering mmm the best of both a bath and a shower every morning. Oh the hard life of a baby!


  1. Jeff was saying how he likes his pod too. Isn't it nice when you don't have to worry about the boys and their baths?

  2. He is sooooo precious! I LOVE that bath photo; that's one for the Senior slideshow! :)

  3. He's such a cutie. I can't believe how big he is and how much he has changed and grown.
