Sunday, January 24, 2010

More photos...


  1. Hi little face is so cute. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of you two kissing him. He has the face of a little man. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Awww... LOVE the one of you two kissing his cheeks! Who was your photographer? S/he did a great job!

  3. These pictures turned out fantastic, and yes he is adorable...but you look awesome too! As a new mom, it's not always easy, but you look fabulous and are clearly taking care of yourself:)

    I haven't signed up for a yoga class yet...but YogaChelan is offering 4 classes for $36....wanna be my yoga buddy? You should check out their website.

  4. jeff, what a cute little boy you have there! i'm so happy for you two - it's a new world now!

  5. Super cute pictures!! We'll have to take some family pics...time is of the essence. Love you!

  6. Cute kid, lucky he has more hair than his daddy.
